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  LIGHT AS RAIN Written by Sean Lawrence FADE IN: INT. HOTEL PARKING - MORNING WOMAN slowly opens door. CAMERA PUSH IN on HAMMER hitting the car door window. BREAKING GLASS SHATTERING. CAR ALARMS goes off . SONG: "Bust the windows out your car". MATCH CUT -- INT. HOTEL ROOM - MOMENTS LATER MARY STYLES, late 20s, tall, Afro-American. Woman, black hair, radiant eyes, bold, stunning features. She moves bottles to the edge of the chessboard. Opens drunkenly. PAN THE BOARD. The little bottles are all empty, but a few remain unopened. JUMP CUT -- MARY (V.O.) My life has always felt easy. As a teenager, life has never been that hard. Disorderly  realistic  feeling of tranquility my whole life; if I only knew or even realized how would I would misjudge so many things about myself. What does it mean to be? Those undisclosed moments. That points to past often makes you feel like there was an echoes. What makes me realize how fracked up it all has been. Who are you ?  There are...

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