Main Character Flaw Brainstorm
Keeping your main character’s flaw in mind, what’s
the Worst situation he could find himself in ? He is a company man but unaware
he is a sleeper , so hearing the new the
subjective of his unconscious mind starts
to act on the issue unknown to his conscious self as a defense measure.
What is the First Action your MC would take? To understand
that his subconscious self is acting on the behalf of himself, he starts to
react to the subconscious treats like it is real.
How might that action Backfire? His conscious
self falls when the agent side of himself is awaking again as a sleeper agent,
forcing him into action , the view of the persona becomes dark he is a prisoner
the persona is locked up the two sides of the id are playing to the side of the
sleeper and the awake persona
Who is the Least Likely Person who might help the
MC or team up with him? The handler is the only one who is able to help the
awaken persona
What New Action might that that Person push the
MC to take? His treatment is the only thing that awaken the persona the NZT48
or ZTI
Who or What might Get In the Way of this new
activity? The unaware , persona of the conscious mind the non-agent his only role is the cover role and is
unaware of any of the actions of his unconscious self.
How might the flaw of the MC turn into a SKILL? By
taking his treatment it awakens all the skill trapped in the unconscious mind
the sleeper the ultimate intelligence gathering agent that is totality the ice berg
under the water.
What Surprising Final Action could be taken that
is the least likely thing your
Emotion +Action =
Story EX + Ax = Sx
In the beginning of my story, this event occurs: Edward
Snowden leaks secrets which causes the US Gov’t to review documents and discovers an
oversight issue with the National
Security Agency and which in turn causes a backlash against the Central
intelligence agency
It makes my main character (MC) feel that his life is at
risk(What is he) a government mole/spy living in Europe under an alias
So he/she does this: arranges to move himself and his life,
into and out of the business
But that makes someone else do this (cause and effect):His handler
to take notice
That event makes MC feel: he needs to leave once the CIA is
disbanded he feels that it’s safe to leave he gathers all the things he needs
to leave.
So MC does this: getting ready to leave
1. Opening Image(1):
CIA training grounds empty . the view of the ground after a congress judges that the CIA is no longer needed or a valid resources to police the world and that the United states is no longer going to the police the reset of the world do to lash backs by the world leaders and the UN have been disbanded and no longer have a budget and have gone dark..but in an underground bunker one server turns on an old world hardware turns on and on the screen starts to run the code….Sleeper…startup …program modifications…and in a home in south east Asia a young woman awakes holding her head rolls out bed.
2. Theme Stated(5):
The room is glowing computer hard and with iv bags to mainline the NZT48 cocktail that brings the “sleeper” online the agent .. needs no support staff, is able to start the drip of the drug that brings the active online the sonic refresh activates the sleeper to the state of awareness but the NZT48 wakes the “sleeper” programming to the point of readiness and full functioning capability. The agent is given his directive to complete all his or her task , and can be central transported from their location via underground networks to decentralized sites near and around a central network or hub.
3. Set-up(1-10): 1
Do to the downing of a the CIA sleeper cells for an clandestine ops can be ran from a decentralized location , with a preordained and determent mission to blend and react to any given host of objectives without anyone knowing they fit into a host of preoperative functions and with a reanimation blend that brings up a nominative list of directive ran from a underground bunker in their resident which is a part of their deep cover and made to blend into their everyday life of their cover’s aliases operational directive.
4. Catalyst(12): 2-3
CIA declassified operation given to the USA military and brought online by the pentagon and the State Department , to check for mission readiness and determine validity to actually field and support capability the “Sleeper” program is brought online and sleepers agents in 10 countries are brought online link with their handlers who work in close coordination with them the assure their cover identities stay in place and to maintain a senses of continuity with the covert op and the day to day life of the operative.
5. Debate (12-25): 3-6
Wither to use the operatives or to disband them disbanding of the CIA, puts this program to the front of black ops and is slated for decommission groups arise to remove them but need arises that puts the program at the forefront of national security and the “sleeper” program is brought online.
6. Break into Two(25): 6-9
A undercover “sleeper” is awaken to turn a coup in a foreign government as the “sleeper” comes online, the handler is brought in the military command unaware of the protocols in place , high command almost kill’s operative not aware the role the handlers play and the handler is immediately returned to the black site to aid her agent thru the awaking stage.
7. B Story (30): 15-16
Government entities that are wishing to overtake the program for their own means try to strong arm the program…
8. Fun and Games (30-55):16-25
Not needed
9. Midpoint (55):30 31-34
CIA training grounds empty . the view of the ground after a congress judges that the CIA is no longer needed or a valid resources to police the world and that the United states is no longer going to the police the reset of the world do to lash backs by the world leaders and the UN have been disbanded and no longer have a budget and have gone dark..but in an underground bunker one server turns on an old world hardware turns on and on the screen starts to run the code….Sleeper…startup …program modifications…and in a home in south east Asia a young woman awakes holding her head rolls out bed.
2. Theme Stated(5):
The room is glowing computer hard and with iv bags to mainline the NZT48 cocktail that brings the “sleeper” online the agent .. needs no support staff, is able to start the drip of the drug that brings the active online the sonic refresh activates the sleeper to the state of awareness but the NZT48 wakes the “sleeper” programming to the point of readiness and full functioning capability. The agent is given his directive to complete all his or her task , and can be central transported from their location via underground networks to decentralized sites near and around a central network or hub.
3. Set-up(1-10): 1
Do to the downing of a the CIA sleeper cells for an clandestine ops can be ran from a decentralized location , with a preordained and determent mission to blend and react to any given host of objectives without anyone knowing they fit into a host of preoperative functions and with a reanimation blend that brings up a nominative list of directive ran from a underground bunker in their resident which is a part of their deep cover and made to blend into their everyday life of their cover’s aliases operational directive.
4. Catalyst(12): 2-3
CIA declassified operation given to the USA military and brought online by the pentagon and the State Department , to check for mission readiness and determine validity to actually field and support capability the “Sleeper” program is brought online and sleepers agents in 10 countries are brought online link with their handlers who work in close coordination with them the assure their cover identities stay in place and to maintain a senses of continuity with the covert op and the day to day life of the operative.
5. Debate (12-25): 3-6
Wither to use the operatives or to disband them disbanding of the CIA, puts this program to the front of black ops and is slated for decommission groups arise to remove them but need arises that puts the program at the forefront of national security and the “sleeper” program is brought online.
6. Break into Two(25): 6-9
A undercover “sleeper” is awaken to turn a coup in a foreign government as the “sleeper” comes online, the handler is brought in the military command unaware of the protocols in place , high command almost kill’s operative not aware the role the handlers play and the handler is immediately returned to the black site to aid her agent thru the awaking stage.
7. B Story (30): 15-16
Government entities that are wishing to overtake the program for their own means try to strong arm the program…
8. Fun and Games (30-55):16-25
Not needed
9. Midpoint (55):30 31-34
The “Sleeper” is brought online , given
orders and handler is working the command protocols while running covert ops
and bring the ops’ black elements on line.. the sleeper his complete it’s task
and over throwing the coup the powers at be are able to remain in control but
the command unit is amazed at the level of easy the “sleeper” is able to
complete its task and is able to slip back into the covert operation of his
day-to-day life without issue.
10. Bad Guys In Close In (55-75):35
The coup leaders are back in the North after the fail in the southern region of the country and are unaware why it didn’t work after analyst of all there information they believe that outside forces stop there successful attempted to take over the country they work quickly to reorganize their supporters and attempt to restage the coup with supports in the north..the government is on the brink of falling when the “Sleeper” is brought in to stop the overthrow ..but the leaders are only there to determine the cause and the reason why their efforts were over turn…
11. All Is Lost (75):36-40
The undercover “sleeper” is trapped in an attempted to return .. the mission is on the brink of failure when the op’s handler has to open a protocol that is in place to remove any operative out of harm’s way by using a coordinated strike teams that are in place for emergency support and to aid an op’s mission ‘ the command is surprise by this information and attempted to gain control of the team .. on the ground but they are able to get away before contact is made.
12. Dark Night of the Soul (75-85):41-42
Sleeper agent is put in harm’s way to trigger the strike team .. the off book ops is deemed “Night wind” but the team doesn’t show ..showing the level intelligence the team has and is determine they’re monitoring the agent biofeedback response and has protocols’ in place to determine if the agent is really in need of support.
13. Break into Three (85):43-45
the program is deemed worth and each handler is assigned an agent to support them and back them up the “Sleeper” program is brought fully online.
14. Finale (85-110):50
“Sleeper” in the field ending and responding to issues with advice and targeted response time without help of command or over site
15. Final Image(110):60
10. Bad Guys In Close In (55-75):35
The coup leaders are back in the North after the fail in the southern region of the country and are unaware why it didn’t work after analyst of all there information they believe that outside forces stop there successful attempted to take over the country they work quickly to reorganize their supporters and attempt to restage the coup with supports in the north..the government is on the brink of falling when the “Sleeper” is brought in to stop the overthrow ..but the leaders are only there to determine the cause and the reason why their efforts were over turn…
11. All Is Lost (75):36-40
The undercover “sleeper” is trapped in an attempted to return .. the mission is on the brink of failure when the op’s handler has to open a protocol that is in place to remove any operative out of harm’s way by using a coordinated strike teams that are in place for emergency support and to aid an op’s mission ‘ the command is surprise by this information and attempted to gain control of the team .. on the ground but they are able to get away before contact is made.
12. Dark Night of the Soul (75-85):41-42
Sleeper agent is put in harm’s way to trigger the strike team .. the off book ops is deemed “Night wind” but the team doesn’t show ..showing the level intelligence the team has and is determine they’re monitoring the agent biofeedback response and has protocols’ in place to determine if the agent is really in need of support.
13. Break into Three (85):43-45
the program is deemed worth and each handler is assigned an agent to support them and back them up the “Sleeper” program is brought fully online.
14. Finale (85-110):50
“Sleeper” in the field ending and responding to issues with advice and targeted response time without help of command or over site
15. Final Image(110):60
Sleeper attacking an underground bunker
with a group of captured seals on the inside…”When there is no One else to
call…..You wake a sleeping Giant”
…Fade to Black