ATLFF 2014 Call for Volunteers
Volunteers receive free tickets to festival films, high-fives, and warm fuzzy feelings.
It's time to apply to become a volunteer for ATLFF14, March 28th through April 6th. Volunteer benefits for 2014 will include ONE FREE screening voucher for select films and seminars for EACH shift you work. Each shift is 4.5 hours.
This year, we have incentive programs for our super volunteers who will work 10 or more shifts and for Corporate Volunteer Teams.
Positions Available will be:
- Theater Operations & Creative Conference Attendants
- Transportation
- Filmmaker Liaisons
- Special Events
- Social Media Photographer
- Security Crew
- Audio Visuals
- Box Office & Registration
- Theater Captains / Supervisors (Three 8-hour shifts required)
To volunteer for the 2014 Atlanta Film Festival, please go to the following link and fill out the application:
All volunteer positions play an important role in the success of the 2014 Atlanta Film Festival. Once your application is complete, you will then be invited to attend one of our volunteer orientations held at The Plaza Theatre (1049 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Atlanta GA) from 10 AM until 12 PM on the dates below:
- Saturday, February 22nd
- Saturday, March 1st
- Saturday, March 8th
The volunteer shift scheduling will begin at The Plaza after each orientation ends. For some Venue Captains and Administrative volunteer positions, schedules may be done prior to the orientations. For more information on Corporate Volunteer Teams, please contact the volunteer coordinator.
In addition, as a part of our partnership with The Plaza Theater, we are offering year-round volunteering opportunities for community events and special screenings. Please let us know if you would like to volunteer for the Plaza Theater on the Volunteer Application.
The Atlanta Film Festival would not be able to do what we do without the help and support of our volunteers. You are the unsung heroes that produce an amazing festival every year and provide Atlanta with year-round film events and unforgettable experiences.
I look forward to working with you!
c: 678-671-7050 | o: 404-413-5698