Fix is In

Script Tips

·         Article Title
·         Your Characters Crave Change
·         From One Page to the Next
·         Because Robert Towne Said So
·         The Story Behind Bad Dialogue
·         Making Sure Each Page Counts
·         Why Writing Checkpoints Matter
·         How to Write Every Day
·         First 10 Pages: 5 Major Rules
·         The Voice Over Value
·         Writing Never Takes a Day Off
·         Finding the Magic Within
·         Word Choice Wisdom
·         Grammar: Your Ace In the Hole
·         Writing Believable Action
·         Networking: Hollywood Gold
·         Story: The Whole Nine Yards
·         Writing: Goals vs. Objectives
·         Always Be Ready to Pitch
·         The Three I's of Screenwriting
·         Ideas: Your Ace In the Hole
·         Safeguard Your Writing Time
·         Welcome to the Real World
·         Raise the Stakes: Crank It Up!
·         The Feedback Follow-Through
·         Breaking "Free" Into Hollywood
·         Embrace the Hollywood Box
·         Biopics: Four Key Ingredients
·         Your Protagonist: Three Keys
·         Stuck in Your Screenplay
·         Success Through Failure
·         Writing From Within
·         Understanding Your Audience
·         Surviving Story Structure
·         Writing With a Full Plate
·         Screenwriting is a Decathalon
·         Screenwriting: Art vs. Trade
·         Creating Cinematic Characters
·         Multiple Stories in One Script
·         Story: How Much Is Too Much?
·         How to Be a Writer: Just Do It
·         Writing Out Of Your Realm
·         There's a Movie for Everybody
·         To Be or Not To Be... A Writer
·         Are You Not Entertained?
·         You Are What You Write
·         Never Give Up! Don't Be Stupid
·         Film School, What Now?
·         The Bruckheimer Blueprint
·         Meetings: Surviving "The Room"
·         Face Off: The Hero's Nemesis
·         Writing IS Thinking
·         The Mechanics of Screenwriting
·         Voice-Over: Beware!
·         Writing the Smart Short Film
·         How to Pitch Your Movie
·         Know Your Audience or Die!
·         Feedback: Ten or Twelve Pints
·         Character: The Entire Iceberg
·         Scene Objectives: Dynamic Duo
·         Subtext: The Underlying Truth
·         How To Get An Agent
·         How Do I Sell My Script?
·         How to Watch a Movie: Part 4
·         How to Watch a Movie: Part 3
·         How to Watch a Movie: Part 2
·         How to Watch a Movie: Part 1
·         How To Write A Logline
·         What's in a Title: Everything!
·         The Devil is in the Details
·         How NOT to write a screenplay
·         How to write a screenplay
·         Assign a Role: Don't Roll Over
·         The Sequence: ABC's and 123's
·         Sequence 8: Final Resolution
·         "Begin This Way", says The End
·         Sequence 6: Main Culmination
·         Sequence 5: Subplot Savior
·         Bones: Screenplay Skeletons
·         Rising Action: Act Two Woes
·         Writing from your Unconscious
·         Sequence 3: Raising the Stakes
·         More White Space, Faster Read
·         Sequence 2: The Lock In
·         The Character Driven Story
·         Exposition needs an Occupation
·         Wrong Form, Right Trash
·         Present Tense or Die!
·         Scriptonomics
·         Plot Points: Watch the Clock
·         The First Draft: NASCAR Speed
·         Writer's Letter: Your Secret W


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