News & Updates From Our Master Cats |
Movie Trailers and the Blake Snyder Beat Sheet
How often these days are movies ruined for you by a tell-all trailer? On this week's blog, writer Cory Milles illustrates why you're likely feeling this way and -- spoiler alert -- the reason is connected to Blake Snyder's beats! Plus, Cory has kindly included links to trailers that DON'T ruin the movie, so you can see exactly what he means.
Ben Frahm's New Movie
As far as STC! success stories go, this one's a big one! Master Cat! Ben Frahm has landed a major gig for Warner Bros. International, and we couldn't be prouder.
Upcoming Workshops
Sign up for one of our Beat Sheet Screenwriting Workshops, and finish out the year strong with your screenplay well on its way to completion!
OCTOBER 22-23, 2016
Los Angeles Beat Sheet Screenwriting Workshop
JANUARY 07-08, 2017
New York Beat Sheet Screenwriting Workshop
Attention eBook Customers!
If you purchased Blake's Blogs in the first few days it was on sale and the download was corrupt, click on 'Manage Your Content and Devices' in your Kindle library and you'll be able to update your content with a revised file. Thank you for your patience. Enjoy the book! |
Script Consultations & Coverage
You've finished your script and it's good. Now it's time to make it great.
Our Master Cats offer personalized script consultations and coverage so that you can make sure your story is as structurally sound and compelling as possible.
Writing a Novel?
Book Your Consultant!
We offer 1-on-1 consultation services with popular novelist Jessica Brody, who has sold 16 novels to major publishers using Blake's principles.
Introducing Our New Book, Blake’s Blogs, Now On Sale
From 2005 until his death in 2009, Blake Snyder wrote his 3 best-selling Save the Cat!® books along with 209 blogs on the Save the Cat!® website.
The 112 blog posts in this ebook have been carefully curated and edited from Blake’s originals. We have selected posts that we believe are timeless, resonating as powerfully today as on the day Blake wrote them.
Products to Help You Create Stories That Resonate |