

Week 2 Assignment-Momentum


( Due: Sun, 10 Apr | Status: Not Completed )

Assignment: Creating Momentum in Act Two

Assignment Goal:

Scripts often breakdown in the middle, losing focus and/or forward motion. Looking at Act Two of your script ask yourself:

• Does your story use some of the action points discussed, or is it relying on dialogue to advance the plot?

• What kind of action points have you used in your script? Obstacles? Complications? Reversals? Twists?

• Are the obstacles in your script arranged with increasing difficulty and danger, both physically and emotionally?

• Are there scene sequences in your script? Could you regroup some scenes or expand a scene to create a sequence that gives life and energy to your story?


Rewrite scenes from Act Two of your Thesis script. Choose one of the following:

1. Create a scene sequence for your Thesis Project. This can be for any part of your script. It should be a mini-story with a beginning, middle and ending climax. You may also find that this sequence leads to some kind of reversal or twist that drives your story forward. The scene sequence should 6-10 pages in length.


2. Rewrite two of your scenes so that they provide more of an obstacle, a complication or a twist. Keep in mind twists and reversals need to be set up and foreshadowed earlier in the script so that the clues are all there for the audience.

Due Sunday 11:59 EST


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