The Business of Creative Writing - Online


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1.1 Welcome to The Business of Creative Writing

( Due: Mon, 06 Jun | Status: Not Completed )

:: Objective:

In Mind Your Business: A Hollywood Agent's Guide to Your Writing Career, Michelle Wallerstein writes, "A writer is really a small business." The textbooks for this course have been carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive overview of the business of doing business in film, television, comics and games. These textbooks are:


• Mind Your Business: A Hollywood Agent's Guide to Your Writing Career by Michelle Wallerstein

• I Liked It, Didn't Love It: Screenplay Development From the Inside Out by Rona Edwards & Monika Skerbelis

• The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design by Flint Dille & John Zuur Platten


If you're writing a comic book, you may be thinking, "What do these books have to teach me? I'm a comic book writer, not a screenwriter." Not true. You're a writer in an Industry fascinated by transmedia writers who can tell a story in any medium. As we'll discuss later, one of the best writing samples for a comic book writer to have in his or her portfolio is a screenplay.


When you have time, read these books cover-to-cover. They are full practical business advice for every writer in every genre.


:: Reading and Resources:

• Chapters 1-5 and Chapter 25, "Welcome to the Beginning of Your Career," in Mind Your Business by Michelle Wallerstein


:: Instructions:

Please watch the 1.1.1 Course Overview Video in the Assets box to your right



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