Springboards and Premise

Springboards & Premise
( Due: Sun, 06 Feb | Status: Not Completed )
Assignment 2:


Writing for television animation and comics often means coming up with a number of story ideas that you can pitch to story editors and producers. These springboards are usually brief (but longer than a log line) and can be about everything from characters flaws, current ideas and situations, unusual locations, a theme, or an exciting visual. You would usually pitch three ideas (3) and then have several more one or two sentence ideas (sometimes called spitballs) that you can also pitch if your main springboards don’t hit. The goal of this assignment is to generate a number of exciting ideas that are fun, fresh and have potential for conflict, action, humor and the big climatic finish. Then, take one of these ideas and develop it into a one to two page premise.


Submit three springboards of 25-100 words each and a premise of one to two pages.

These springboards must use the characters you developed in the Character Profile Assignment. You automatically lose 10 points if you do not use the characters from the Character Profile assignment.

Your springboards should be for an original idea for an animated short or half-hour television animation or a single issue of a comic.

Your springboards should not come from ideas you are using or have pitched for your Thesis Project.

Then take one of these springboards and develop it into a one to two page premise.

Use the Premise Checklist on p. 121 in Wright as well as the example in Wright following the checklist to help you write the premise. Submit springboards and premise as a Word Document.

Due Sunday 11:59 PM EST

Assignment Rubric

See previous Assignment 1 Rubric


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