The Impact of Character Transformation in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

The Impact of Character Transformation in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

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The Impact of Character Transformation in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

The box office numbers for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 are out of this world, with audiences singing the praises of writer/director James Gunn. If you're one of the many who have enjoyed the latest adventure of Starlord and Co. -- and are singing along -- you'll enjoy our blog this week. Cory Milles explores the massive impact of character transformation in this heartfelt mega-hit. 
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Discover how you can start with an idea... and five weeks later have the 15 beats of your screenplay.

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Indies is a Hit!

The latest STC® book is getting rave reviews!

"The analyses are efficient and professional, with the feel of something stolen off a studio executive’s desk. These things are real and functional."
Read full review in Script Magazine

"Interviewing Salva reminded me why Blake’s brand has withstood the test of time."
Read full interview from Writer Unboxed
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We offer 1-on-1 consultation services with popular novelist Jessica Brody, who has sold 16 novels to major publishers using Blake's principles.

Our Latest Books -- Now Available in Print and Digital

Save the Cat! Goes to the IndiesScreenwriter and novelist Salva Rubio applies Blake’s principles to 50 independent, auteur, European and cult films. With these 50 new beat sheets, you’ll see how “hitting the beats” creates stories that resonate the world over.

Save the Cat! Blake's Blogs: The 112 blog posts in this ebook have been carefully curated and edited from Blake’s originals. We have selected posts that we believe are timeless, resonating as powerfully today as on the day Blake wrote them.
Products to Help You Create Stories That Resonate


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