Script Coverage + Feedback Guidelines
Below are listed the instructions for completing the script coverage and
feedback for Discussion Boards 2, 3 and 4.
NOTE: You may want to type up your notes in Word or Text Edit prior to
uploading to the discussion board so that you don’t time out of the server or lose
part of your critique if it exceeds the per-post word count limit.
Address the following points in your post.
1) Tech specs
• List your name
• The author’s name
• The title of the script
• The medium (film, TV, video game, comic, etc.)
• The genre
• The number of pages
2) Logline + Synopsis
• Write a one sentence logline for the script
• Then write a brief synopsis of the script (Shoot for ½ page). Try to keep
this as concise as possible, listing only the main action of the script.
3) Critical Analysis
General Feedback
• Did you like the script? Why or why not? Be specific.
• Would you want to watch, read or play the final version?
Formatting + Style
• Was the script properly formatted for its medium (ie: film, TV, games,
comics, etc.?)
• Did you like the writer’s style? What did you like? What did you not?
• Was there flow to the writing? Was the writing loose or tight? Did that
work for the story?
Genre + Medium
• Did the script meet the expectations of the genre? If the script was a
horror script, did you find it scary? Why or why not?
• Did the script meet the expectations of the medium? (ie: if a TV show
or comic book, did it end with some issues to be resolved in
subsequent episodes or issues?)
• Was the script visual? If not, where were some areas you found that
weren’t?Full Sail University Page 2 of 2
CWM 630-O (FGA) – Editing for Film, Games + Animation
• What do you see as the story’s theme/s?
(comment on several of the following points and try to back up your
opinion with concrete examples from the script)
• Were the characters believable?
• Who is the main character of the story?
• What is protagonist’s arc? What do they learn and/or how do they
• Did you find the protagonist’s arc satisfying?
• Would the script pass the Bechdel test?
• Was the dialogue appropriate for the story?
• Were the characters believable?
• Was there a clear protagonist and antagonist?
• Were there any unnecessary characters or dialogue? How would you
solve the issue?
Plot + Structure
• Does the story have a clear beginning, middle and end?
• Did the story hit all of the plot points?
• Were there subplots? If so, did they have beginnings, middles and
• Did the subplots support the central story? If so, how? Thematically?
• What’s the central question of the script, and was it answered?
• Did the stakes progressively escalate throughout the story?
• Was the ending satisfying? Was it earned?
• Was the story told linearly? With flashbacks or VO? Do you think this
choice worked?
• Were there any unnecessary scenes? How would you tighten the