Week 1 Discussion Board - Group 2 L-Q
Discussion Board 1 – Comments on the First Ten Pages Group 2 L-Q
Post the first ten pages of your Thesis Script to the discussion board by Wednesday.
(Note: We are breaking up into three groups according to your last name: Group 1 (A-K), Group 2 (L-Q), and Group 3 (R-Z). Please post your pages to the appropriate Discussion Board Section. Your grades, however, will be posted and will appear in the Group 1 section.
Then comment on two scripts by Sunday using the following points covered in the Keynote, the reading from Seger, and the produced scripts you have read to guide your discussion (200 word min.). Make at least one specific reference or comparison to the movie you watched. You should discuss at least five of the following questions:
1. Has the writer established the characters?
2. Has the writer established the characters’ world?
3. What does the main character(s) want? Do you care about these characters?
4. What do you think the main character’s unconscious desire will be?
5. What is the inciting or disrupting incident?
6. What do you think is the theme of this story and where does this come out in the first ten pages?
7. Do you find this a fun or exciting read? How could the writer make it more engaging? Did you want to read more?
8. Do the descriptions flow, evoke vivid images, and are they free of grammatical errors?
9. Does the dialogue sound like real people speaking? Does each character have a distinctive voice pattern?
Optional Assignment for Games Students:
What happens in the first ten minutes of your game? This, of course, is not as hard and fast as what will happen in film or TV, but consider what an optimal play through might be or perhaps a specific path you want to consider. Ask yourself:
· Does my cinematic hook the player and make him/her want to continue.
· How quickly does the player get involved in playing game? How much time is given to non-player controlled versus player controlled play in the first then minutes.
· Who is your audience or ideal player for this game? (Consider what other similar games your ideal would enjoy playing.)
· Does this change how you approach the first ten minutes?
· How much backstory must the player know to begin playing the game? Could some of the backstory be woven into later cut scenes and game play?
· Have the essential characters been introduced?
· How can you get the player involved in the game as quickly as possible and still give the player the tools and knowledge to play the game.
· Is the player hooked and wants to continue playing after the first 10 minutes?
Post cinematic from the first ten minutes by Wednesday. Comment on two other scripts by Sunday. When commenting on a games script, use the above criteria to guide your discussion.
First 10 pages post due Wednesday 11:59 EST
Comments Due Sun. 11:59 EST