2.3 Problems with Plot

(Due: Oct 10 Status: Not Completed)

Problems of Plot

1. Read Fields, Chapters 8-11.

2. Understand and consider the following concepts and questions:

o Why is there a tendency with writers to explain instead of reveal their story and why do they rely so heavily on dialogue to move the story forward?

o What can be attributed to most problems in screenwriting and why do you think most writers hesitate to do enough research?

o What does Fields mean by too much too soon?

o One of the most common problems screenwriters have is explaining too much (using too much exposition). Can you think of instances in your own writing where you’ve felt like there might be too much exposition? How did you solve this? How does Field say to solve it?

o Fields identifies one of the primary rules of screening to be that the audience discovers what’s going on at the same time the protagonist does. Why do you think this is so important?

o If you skip important scenes for moving your story forward, is that a problem with character, structure or plot?

o What’s better, to question whether or not you need a scene or what’s needed for the story and why?

o What do transitions do and who writes them?


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