Edit Sleeper



Write Scene List


1         Sequence 1:Opening Image :MC is found (dream sequence) running for his life behind enemy lines

Goal: To Show MC past history or state of mind

Activity : Moving in a situation on pure instinct

Complication: Alone reacting only moving without thought uncontrolled

Scene  “Entering “THE COMPANY/US NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY” as a recruit and how he was trained, an EXT The Farm “

Scene “In Europe on assignment ..living his his/her* everyday life “

Scene “Living the dream not knowing where to go stuck in a dream world”

Scene “Hoping to escape hears the call to duty ,,,”

Scene “….the dream ends ..is real?”

2         Sequence: Theme Stated:“Sleeper” Awakens 

Goal: Waking from his dream(nightmare)

Activity: Battlefield fighting to Reality of the real World

Complication: The War within himself rages on.

Scene  “Waking to the reality of it all .”

Scene “The big revile …The Company/US National Security Agency is gone?”

Scene “The know and the not so good.”

Scene “How the handler hands things. “

Scene “Why are you still here (Orders) ?”

ACT 2a

3         Sequence: Catalyst, Awaking changed change in his state of being ,mind for, thought, living . life.

Goal :Heading the call.

Activity: Sleeper awakens

Complication: The war between the warrior and the beast he is trapped and divided

Scene “It was all just a dream.”

Scene “How to wake a sleeper? “

Scene “The effects of the drugs”

Scene “What time is it?”

Scene “Can you tell what we are doing ?”

4         Sequence: “Debate” Concern’s from Outside forces and the Pentagon on who is in charge

Goal : Introduction of the handler

Activity: Team up (Batman and Robyn)

Complication: Friend or foe *(Agent handler)

Scene  Handlers back story and what makes them tick

Scene “Why the two man team works ?”

Scene “What’s happing now in the world… and how long have I been asleep…for? “

Scene “What do you mean the CIA is Dead? “

Scene “Who Is running the show ?”


ACT 2b “Break into Two”

5         Sequence: What is the NZT48[i] ?cocktail and how does it work?

Goal : “The Push”

Activity : Showing the push in effect

Complication: The nature of the transition of the agent is top secret.. what does it take to wake a sleeping giant.

Scene “We saw you give the cocktail what’s in it?”

Scene “,…and the beat goes on”

Scene “….the treat is real..”

Scene “Mix-logy”

Scene ..Don’t rock the boat “

6         Sequence: B Story

Goal : Pentagon comes calling

Activity : Call to Duty

Complication: True Self

Scene “..Why doesn’t the rabbit run?”

Scene “How long do we have …?”

Scene “..Now or Never..?”

Scene “What about my ..?”

Scene “Sleeper…sleeps”



7         Sequence: Midpoint

Goal : Complication (best) What is the activity state of the sleeper once he/or she is brought online

Activity : Instance reaction from a non-active state to complete awareness

Complication: Hyper Awareness hence handlers have to be clean of everything

8         Scene “The past comes creeping …in”

Scene “Why is this still ongoing..?”

Scene “…The NZT48 is bad”

Scene “Remix”

Scene “Extract”

9         Sequence: Bad Guys In Close In

Goal : level of speed of thought mind and body

Activity : movement of thought and action to be self aware

Complication: processing information with a high level of skill and action in regard to the moment


Scene “How do they do that?”

Scene “interaction of thought into action”

Scene “Pure movement with pre plan thought”

Scene “The Clarity of mind”

Scene “Sleeper engaged”


Describe your perfect beat sheet


1         Sequence 1

a.       Complication (best) MC is found (dream sequence) running for his life behind enemy lines

b.      Complication (worst) Moving in a situation on pure instinct

c.       Complication (genre) Alone reacting only moving without thought uncontrolled

2         Sequence 2

a.       Complication (best) Waking from his dream(nightmare)

b.      Complication (worst) Battlefield fighting

c.       Complication (genre) a warrior waging war against himself

3         Sequence 3

a.       Complication (best) Awaking changed

b.      Complication (worst) Hearing a call awakes

c.       Complication (genre) Sleeper is awaking

4         Sequence 4

a.       Complication (best) Introduction of the handler

b.      Complication (worst) Team up (Batman and Robyn) “Which one of you is Batman and who is Robin?”

c.       Complication (genre) Agent/Handler

5         Sequence 5

a.       Complication (best) What is the NZT48 ?cocktail and how does it work?

b.      Complication (worst) “The Push”

c.       Complication (genre) Showing the push in effect

6         Sequence 6

a.       Complication (best) Pentagon comes calling

b.      Complication (worst) Call to Duty

c.       Complication (genre) True Self

7         Sequence 7

a.       Complication (best) What is the activity state of the sleeper once he/or she is brought online

b.      Complication (worst) Instance reaction from a non-active state to complete awareness

c.       Complication (genre) Hyper Awareness hence handlers have to be clean of everything

8         Sequence 8

a.       Complication (best) level of speed of thought mind and body

b.      Complication (worst) movement of thought and action to be self aware

c.       Complication (genre) processing information with a high level of skill and action in regard to the moment


Main Character Flaw Brainstorm


Keeping your main character’s flaw in mind, what’s the Worst situation he could find himself in ? He is a company man but unaware he is a sleeper , so hearing  the new the subjective of  his unconscious mind starts to act on the issue unknown to his conscious self as a defense measure.

What is the First Action your MC would take? To understand that his subconscious self is acting on the behalf of himself, he starts to react to the subconscious treats like it is real.

How might that action Backfire? His conscious self falls when the agent side of himself is awaking again as a sleeper agent, forcing him into action , the view of the persona becomes dark he is a prisoner the persona is locked up the two sides of the id are playing to the side of the sleeper and the awake persona

Who is the Least Likely Person who might help the MC or team up with him? The handler is the only one who is able to help the awaken persona

What New Action might that that Person push the MC to take? His treatment is the only thing that awaken the persona the NZT48 or ZTI

Who or What might Get In the Way of this new activity? The unaware , persona of the conscious mind the non-agent  his only role is the cover role and is unaware of any of the actions of his unconscious self.

How might the flaw of the MC turn into a SKILL? By taking his treatment it awakens all the skill trapped in the unconscious mind the sleeper the ultimate intelligence gathering agent that is totality the ice berg under the water.

What Surprising Final Action could be taken that is the least likely thing your


Emotion  +Action = Story         Ex + Ax = Sx

In the beginning of my story, this event occurs: Edward Snowden leaks secrets which causes the US  Government to review documents and discovers an oversight issue with the  National Security Agency  and  which in turn causes a backlash against the Central intelligence agency 

It makes my main character (MC) feel that his life is at risk(What is he) a government mole/spy living in Europe under an alias

So he/she does this: arrange to move himself and his life, into and out of the business

But that makes someone else do this (cause and effect):His handler to take notice

That event makes MC feel: he needs to leave once the THE COMPANY/US NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY is disbanded he feels that it’s safe to leave he gathers all the things he needs to leave.

So MC does this: getting ready to leave

Computer specialist Edward Snowden, who gained worldwide fame after disclosing top secret documents of the US National Security Agency,

1. Opening Image(1):
THE COMPANY/US NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY/US NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY  training grounds empty . the view of the ground after a congress judges that THE COMPANY/US NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY/US NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY is no longer needed or a valid resources to police the world and that the United states is no longer going to the police the reset of the world do to lash backs by the world leaders and the UN have been disbanded and no longer have a budget and have gone dark..but in an underground bunker one server turns on an old world hardware turns on and on the screen starts to run the code….Sleeper…startup …program modifications…and in a home in south east Asia a young woman awakes holding  her head rolls out bed.
2. Theme Stated(5):
The room is glowing computer hard and with iv bags to mainline the NZT48 cocktail that brings the “sleeper” online the agent .. needs no support staff, is able to start the drip of the drug that brings the active online the sonic refresh activates the sleeper to the state of awareness but the NZT48 wakes the “sleeper” programming to the point of readiness and full functioning capability. The agent is given his directive to complete all his or her task , and can be central transported from their location via underground networks to decentralized sites near and around a central network or hub.
3. Set-up(1-10): 1
Do to the downing of a THE COMPANY/US NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY/US NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY sleeper cells for an clandestine ops can be ran from a decentralized location , with a preordained and determent mission to blend and react to any given host of objectives without anyone knowing they fit into a host of preoperative functions and with a reanimation blend that brings up a nominative list of directive ran from a underground bunker in their resident which is a part of their deep cover and made to blend into their everyday life of their cover’s aliases operational directive.
4. Catalyst(12): 2-3
THE COMPANY/US NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY/US NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY declassified operation given to the USA military and brought online by the pentagon and the State Department , to check for mission readiness and determine validity to actually field and support capability the “Sleeper” program is brought online and sleepers agents in 10 countries are brought online link with their handlers who work in close coordination with them the assure their cover identities stay in place and to maintain a senses of continuity with the covert op and the day to day life of the operative.
5. Debate (12-25): 3-6
Wither to use the operatives or to disband them disbanding of the THE COMPANY/US NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY/US NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, puts this program to the front of black ops and is slated for decommission groups arise to remove them but need arises that puts the program at the forefront of national security and the “sleeper” program is brought online.
6. Break into Two(25): 6-9
A undercover “sleeper” is awaken to turn a coup in a foreign government as the “sleeper” comes online, the handler is brought in the military command unaware of the protocols in place , high command almost kill’s operative not aware the role the handlers play and the handler is immediately returned to the black site to aid her agent thru the awaking stage.
7. B Story (30): 15-16
Government entities that are wishing to overtake the program for their own means try to strong arm the program…
8. Fun and Games (30-55):16-25
Not needed
9. Midpoint (55):30 31-34

The “Sleeper” is brought online , given orders and handler is working the command protocols while running covert ops and bring the ops’ black elements on line.. the sleeper his complete it’s task and over throwing the coup the powers at be are able to remain in control but the command unit is amazed at the level of easy the “sleeper” is able to complete its task and is able to slip back into the covert operation of his day-to-day life without issue.
10. Bad Guys In Close In (55-75):35
The coup leaders are back in the North after the fail in the southern region of the country and are unaware why it didn’t work after analyst of all there information they believe that outside forces stop there successful attempted  to take over the country they work quickly to reorganize their supporters and attempt to restage the coup with supports in the north..the government is on the brink of falling when the “Sleeper” is brought in to stop the overthrow ..but the leaders are only there to determine the cause and the reason why their efforts were over turn…
11. All Is Lost (75):36-40
The undercover “sleeper” is trapped in an attempted to return .. the mission is on the brink of failure when the op’s handler has to open a protocol that is in place to remove any operative out of harm’s way by using a coordinated strike teams that are in place for emergency support and to aid an op’s mission ‘ the command is surprise by this information and attempted to gain control of the team .. on the ground but they are able to get away before contact is made.
12. Dark Night of the Soul (75-85):41-42
Sleeper agent is put in harm’s way to trigger the strike team .. the off book ops is deemed “Night wind” but the team doesn’t show ..showing the level intelligence the team has and is determine they’re monitoring the agent biofeedback response and has protocols’ in place to determine if the agent is really in need of support.
13. Break into Three (85):43-45
the program is deemed worth and each handler is assigned an agent to support them and back them up the “Sleeper” program is brought fully online.
14. Finale (85-110):50
“Sleeper” in the field ending and responding to issues with advice and targeted response time without help of command or over site
15. Final Image(110):60

Sleeper attacking an underground bunker with a group of captured seals on the inside…”When there is no One else to call…..You wake a sleeping Giant”

…Fade to Black





Goal : “The Push”
Safety Information
RealNZT-48 provides a custom-matched blend of the most powerful nootropics (brain performance nutrients) available. Because of that, you may experience more clarity, presence and energy than ever before. That should not be an issue for most physiologies. But as a precaution, and so we can customize your blend - Please contact us immediately following your order if you are: 1) On an MAO inhibitor - and which brand 2) On antidepressants - and which brand 3) Sensitive to stimulants (caffeine, etc...) Though we have never had a serious adverse reaction, we're most interested in this becoming the best experience of your life. Please give us feedback on your experience through the Contact form here on Amazon.com NOTE: RealNZT does not have any residual issues like NZT-48 did in Limitless. That was a fictional "clear pill". Ours was developed to permanently improve brain and body, even if you quit taking the product. We take the product daily, and have been since 2008. There is also more than 30 years of research behind the nootropics and herbs that make up our blends. If you have any questions, please contact us using Amazon's contact form. We'll get back with you immediately. NOTE: If you are under a doctor's care for depression, high blood pressure or psychological or physical issues, please indicate so prior to us blending your RealNZT mix. Thank you.

Best for individuals seeking ultra-high mental and physical performance and improved drive. Includes sports performance, public speaking, teaching, classroom and independent study, ADHD and ADD issues, and depression issues. Provides very focused, extended energy and mental clarity. Users will experience extended presence. The ability to parallel process multiple creative ideas. 6-12 hours of focus with drink mix. Extended with booster pill, 12-16 hours of focus and energy.

WebNutrients RealNZT-48 Current mix (Powder, in test tube): * B5-Pantothenic Acid * Ascorbic Acid * Omniracetam (custom, non-toxic nootropic distillate, 50/50 water/oil soluble) * NooSpark (custom non-toxic neuro-stimulant) * L-Glutamine * TMG (Trimethylglycne) * Calcium Citrate * Rhodiola * BCAA * Choline Bitartrate * Alpha GPC * CDP Choline * Phosphatidylserine * Acetyl-L-Tyrosine * Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) * Anhydrous Caffeine * Arginine AKG * Citrulline Malate * Maltodextrin * L-Theanine * Grapeseed Extract * PEA * Hordenine * D-Ribose * Theobromine * Piperine * Curcumin * Vitamin D (oil) *** Booster Caps (00 capsules): * NooSpark (custom non-toxic neuro-stimulant) * Omniracetam-O+W (custom, non-toxic nootropic distillate) * Phosphatidylcholine * Acetyl-L-Tyrosine * Centrophenoxine * Alpha GPC * CDP Choline * Piperine * Anhydrous Caffeine * Vitamin D (oil) All from naturally-derived sources. NOTE: RealNZT does not have any residual issues like NZT-48 did in Limitless. That was a fictional "clear pill". Ours was developed to permanently improve brain and body, even if you quit taking the product. We take the product daily, and have been since 2008. There is more than 30 years of research behind the nootropics and herbs that make up our blends. If you have any questions, please contact us using Amazon's contact form. We'll get back with you immediately.

1) First, some insights: Please pour the whole tube in water. The tubes are custom blended for each individual. So they are created as a "stack" - meaning each ingredient is stacked on the next. So mixing a partial will not get you the full benefit of Real NZT. 2) Pour the whole tube in 20-36 ounces of water. Add flavoring. Shake well. * Drink 2-4 ounces, with a multivitamin and oil or oil capsule. This will preload your system with a solid nootropic balance. * After 20 minutes, think about how you feel and are performing. * If you need more boost, sip the remainder over the next 2 minutes. * If you're feeling good, just sip the remainder over the next 4-6 hours. * Take the Booster Cap cap between 1PM and 4PM (latest). Or first thing in the morning. That will extend the halflife of the drink mix and keep you running on all cylinders up through 8-10PM (or later). *You can also start your day with the Booster Cap (plus oil and a multi). * Take any form of oil with it (fish oil, Vitamin D, E, Grapeseed, Krill, whatever). The oil will extend the effect by 200%-300% over taking it alone. 3) Eat 45-60 minutes prior, if possible. The Nootropics will use the oils in the food to navigate the blood brain barrier. The fats and carbs in the food will extend the nootropic benefits.  4) Avoid taking Nootropics WITH food, unless the food is strictly carbs and oils. Proteins compete with the amino acids in the Nootropics, measurably reducing the effects. 5) Restoramones are in the tubes only. Take them every other day for best balance of uptake. 6) Experiment! You'll find that certain types of foods, or coffee, or tea, or exercise, dramatically improve your results. 7) Movement is critical. Taking NZT and then immediately sitting does not help distribute the formula in your bloodstream. So move a bit - take a short walk, or do squats in your shower - whatever it takes.
Activity : Showing the push in effect
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (September 2012)
Nootropics (/noʊ.əˈtrɒpɨks/ noh-ə-TROP-iks), also referred to as smart drugs, memory enhancers, neuro enhancers, cognitive enhancers, and intelligence enhancers, are drugs, supplements, nutraceuticals, and functional foods that purportedly improve mental functions such as cognition, memory, intelligence, motivation, attention, and concentration.[1][2] The word nootropic was coined in 1972 by the Romanian Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea,[3][4] derived from the Greek words νους nous, or "mind," and τρέπειν trepein meaning "to bend/turn". Nootropics are thought to work by altering the availability of the brain's supply of neurochemicals (neurotransmitters, enzymes, and hormones), by improving the brain's oxygen supply, or by stimulating nerve growth.
  [hide] 1 Nootropics vs. cognitive enhancers
2 Availability and prevalence 2.1 Academic doping
3 Hazards
4 Drugs 4.1 Racetams
4.2 Vitamins and supplements
4.3 Stimulants
4.4 Concentration and memory enhancement 4.4.1 Cholinergics
4.4.2 GABA blockers
4.4.3 Glutamate modulators
4.4.4 cAMP
4.4.5 Other
4.5 Serotonergics
4.6 Dopaminergics
4.7 Sleep
4.8 Anti-depression, adaptogenic (anti-stress), and mood stabilization
4.9 Blood flow and metabolic function
4.10 Experimental histamine antagonists
4.11 Nerve growth stimulation and brain cell protection
4.12 Hormones
4.13 Unknown enhancement
4.14 Other nootropics
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Nootropics vs. cognitive enhancers[edit]
 This section needs attention from an expert in Pharmacology. Please add a reason or a talk parameter to this template to explain the issue with the section. WikiProject Pharmacology (or its Portal) may be able to help recruit an expert. (February 2010)
Cognitive enhancers are drugs, supplements, nutraceuticals, and functional foods that enhance attentional control and memory.[5][6] Nootropics are cognitive enhancers that are neuroprotective or extremely nontoxic. Nootropics (such as Modafinil) are by definition cognitive enhancers, but a cognitive enhancer is not necessarily a nootropic.
Giurgea's nootropic criteria:
1.Enhances learning and memory.
2.Enhances learned behaviors under conditions which are known to disrupt them (e.g. hypoxia, sleep deprivation).
3.Protects the brain from physical or chemical injury.
4.Enhances the tonic cortical/subcortical control mechanisms
5.Exhibits few side effects and extremely low toxicity, while lacking the pharmacology of typical psychotropic drugs (motor stimulation, sedation, etc.).
Since Giurgea's original criteria were first published, there has been little agreement as to what truly constitutes a nootropic compound. The most well defined criteria to date was established by Skondia in 1979. Skondia uses a metabolic approach, taking into account the pharmacological mode of action.
Skondia's nootropic criteria:
I. No direct vasoactivity
A. No vasodilationB. No vasoconstriction
II. EEG activity: No change in basic rhythm
A. Quantitative EEG: Increased power spectrum (beta 2 and alpha)B. Qualitative EEG: Decreased delta waves and cerebral suffering
III. Must pass blood-brain barrier
A. Under normal conditionsB. Under pathological conditions
IV. Must show metabolic activity in:
A. Animal brain metabolism 1. Molecular2. PhysiopathologicalB. Human brain metabolism (clinical evaluation) 1. A-V differences a. Increased extraction quotients of O2b. Increased extraction quotients of glucosec. Reduced lactate pyruvate ratio2. Regional cerebral metabolic rates (rCMR) a. Increased ICMR of O2b. Increased rCMR of glucose3. Regional cerebral blood flow: Normalization
V. Minimal side effects
VI. Clinical trials must be conducted with several rating scales designed to objectify metabolic cerebral improvement.
Availability and prevalence[edit]
At present, there are several drugs on the market that improve memory, concentration, and planning, and reduce impulsive behavior. Many more are in different stages of development.[7] The most commonly used class of drug is stimulants.[8]
These drugs are used primarily to treat people with cognitive or motor function difficulties attributable to such disorders as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and ADHD. However, more widespread use is being recommended by some researchers.[9] These drugs have a variety of human enhancement applications as well, and are marketed heavily on the Internet. Nevertheless, intense marketing may not correlate with efficacy; while scientific studies support some of the claimed benefits, it is worth noting that not all of the claims from certain nootropics suppliers have been formally tested.
Academic doping[edit]
Main article: Academic doping
In academia a Nootropic called modafinil has been used to increase productivity, although its long-term effects have not been assessed in healthy individuals.[7] Stimulants such as methylphenidate, a cognitive enhancer (which is not considered as a Nootropic according to the criteria above), are being used on college campuses, and by an increasingly younger group.[7] One survey found that 7% of students had used stimulants for a cognitive edge, and on some campuses use in the past year is as high as 25%.[8][10] The use of prescription stimulants is especially prevalent among students attending academically competitive colleges and students who are members of a fraternity/sorority.[10]
Surveys suggest that 3-11% of American students and 0.7-4.5% of German students have used cognitive enhancers in their lifetime.[11]
The main concern with pharmaceutical drugs is adverse effects, and these concerns apply to cognitive-enhancing drugs as well. Cognitive enhancers are often taken for the long-term when little data is available.[7]
Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea originally coined the word nootropics for brain-enhancing drugs with very few side-effects. Racetams are sometimes cited as an example of a nootropic with few side-effects and a wide therapeutic window.[12] In the United States, unapproved drugs or dietary supplements do not have to have safety or efficacy approval before being sold.[13]
The word nootropic was coined upon discovery of the effects of piracetam, developed in the 1960s.[14] Studies of the racetams have revealed that these structurally similar compounds often act via different mechanisms. Notable drugs include pramiracetam, oxiracetam, and aniracetam. Their mechanisms of action are not fully understood. Piracetam and aniracetam are known to act as positive allosteric modulators of AMPA receptors and appear to modulate cholinergic systems.[15] Although aniracetam and nebracetam show affinity for muscarinic receptors, only nefiracetam shows it at the nanomolar range. Racetams have been called "pharmacologically safe" drugs.[12]
Vitamins and supplements[edit]
B Vitamins—may influence cognitive function through an effect on methylation and homocysteine levels, as excess homocysteine has been associated with cognitive impairment and the B vitamins work to reduce homocysteine.[16] However, although epidemiological evidence shows an association, two studies did not find B vitamin supplementation improves cognitive function, and another that found an association was criticized.[17] In 2008 a systematic review of trials found "little evidence of a beneficial impact" from supplements on cognitive function later in life.[18] A randomized, placebo-controlled trial in 168 70 year olds with mild cognitive impairment showed that a mix of B vitamins slowed the rate of brain atrophy; the slowing was related to a decrease in homocysteine levels.[19]
Choline— Higher concurrent choline intake was related to better cognitive performance.[20] It improves long-term memory in animal models.[21]
ω-3 fatty acids have been linked to the maintenance of brain function. Omega-3's provide DHA, important in the function and growth of nervous tissue. It is especially important during brain development.[22] A study preformed in Norway[23] demonstrated a potential link between Omega-3 consumption during pregnancy and child intelligence test scores.[24] A cross-sectional population-based study of 1,613 subjects found an association between PUFA intake and decreased risk for impairment of cognitive function & cognitive speed.[25] Another study showed that boys with lower levels of Omega-3 had more behavior issues, including ADHD.[26]
Isoflavones—may be related to cognitive function.[27] A double-blind, placebo-controlled study showed improvement in spatial working memory after administration of an isoflavone combination containing daidzein, genistein & glycitein.[28] In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of older, non-demented men & women, soy isoflavone supplementation improved performance on 6 of 11 cognitive tests, including visual-spatial memory and construction, verbal fluency and speeded dexterity; unexpectedly, the placebo group performed better on 2 tests of executive function.[29]
Vitamin D—has positive effects on cardiovascular health and may have positive effects on cognitive function separately; the active form of Vitamin D seems to be involved in brain development and in adult brain function. In particular, metabolic pathways for Vitamin D in the hippocampus and cerebellum have been found. Epidemiological data show that higher Vitamin D levels (>20 ng/mL or 50nmol/L) are associated with better cognitive function, but do not seem to be associated with better memory performance.[30] Vitamin D has also been shown to be necessary in the production of dopamine [31]
Vitamin C— has been shown to help reduce brain injury and also reduce the amount of Cortisol in the body. High levels of Cortisol have been linked to Alzheimer's Disease.[32][medical citation needed]
Vitamin E—protects neurons from injury caused by Free Radicals.[33][medical citation needed]
A 2007 survey of online databases for herbs used in traditional herbal medicine to treat cognitive decline – without any proof of safety or efficacy – found over 150 plant species, such as Ginkgo biloba and Epimedium which is commonly call 'Goat weed'.[34]
Stimulants are often seen as smart drugs, but may be more accurately termed productivity enhancers. These typically improve concentration and a few areas of cognitive performance, but only while the drug is still in the blood at therapeutic concentrations. Some scientists recommend widespread use of stimulants such as methylphenidate and amphetamines by the general population to increase brain power.[8][35]
Amphetamines Amphetamine (Adderall, Dexedrine)—TA1 agonist and consequently a catecholamine releasing agent
Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse)—dextroamphetamine prodrug
Adrenergics Dimethylamylamine—adrenergic
Atomoxetine—norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; uncompetitive NMDA antagonist; clinically used in the treatment of ADHD
Reboxetine—Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; approved in Europe for clinical depression but may also be used off-label to treat ADHD
Synephrine—endogenous trace amine found in significant concentrations in the Bitter orange;agonist at α1 adrenergic receptors
Cholinergics Arecoline—nicotinic agonist and partial agonist at muscarinic receptors M1-4[36][37][38]
Nicotine A meta-analysis of 41 double-blind, placebo-controlled studies concluded that nicotine or smoking had significant positive effects on fine motor, alerting attention-accuracy and response time (RT), orienting attention-RT, short-term episodic memory-accuracy, and working memory-RT.[39]
Eugeroics ("Wakefulness Enhancers")—unproven primary mechanisms but proven efficacy as a Nootropic Adrafinil
Xanthines—reduces fatigue perception via adenosine receptor antagonism. Caffeine—shown to increase alertness, performance, and in some studies, memory.[40] Children and adults who consume low doses of caffeine showed increase alertness, yet a higher dose was needed to improve performance.[41]
Concentration and memory enhancement[edit]
The nootropics in this section are purported or shown to enhance concentration or the recollection and formation of memories.
Cholinergics are substances that affect the neurotransmitter acetylcholine or the components of the nervous system that use acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a facilitator of memory formation. Increasing the availability of this neurotransmitter in the brain may improve these functions. Cholinergic nootropics include acetylcholine precursors and cofactors, and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors:
Precursors Choline—precursor of acetylcholine and phosphatidylcholine
DMAE—precursor of acetylcholine;Template:Medial citation needed appears promising in treating ADHD, though results are inconclusive[42]
Meclofenoxate—probable precursor of acetylcholine, approved for Dementia and Alzheimer's
Cofactors Acetylcarnitine—amino acid that functions in acetylcholine production by donating the acetyl portion to the acetylcholine molecule
Vitamin B5—cofactor in the conversion of choline into acetylcholine
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors Galantamine—also allosterically modulates certain nicotinic receptors to facilitate acetylcholine release[43]
Ipidacrine (Neiromidin) is a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor used in memory disorders of different origins.
Lycoris radiata (Red Spider Lily)—natural source for galantamine
Huperzine A—also shown to act as an NMDA antagonist and appears to increase nerve growth factor levels in rats[44]
Celastrus paniculatus
cannabis Due to its AChE-inhibiting properties, Cannabis appears to increase acetylcholine levels and therefore studies suggest it as a treatment for Alzheimer's.[45] Anxiolytic and analgesic found in cannabis. Neuroprotectant, possible Alzheimer's prevention and possible neurogenesis inducer.[46] Possible neurotoxic effects of a notable constituent, THC, have been documented[47]
Reuptake inhibitors and enhancers Coluracetam— Increases high affinity choline uptake[48]
Piracetam— Increases high affinity choline uptake[49]
Oxiracetam— Increases high affinity choline uptake[49]
Pramiiracetam— Increases high affinity choline uptake[50]
Sulbutiamine— Increases high affinity choline uptake[51]
Agonists AR-R17779
GABA blockers[edit]
The GABAA α5 receptor site has recently displayed memory improvements when inverse agonized.
α5IA—α5 inverse agonist. A number of α5IA analogues exist that, like α5IA, selectively and partially agonize some GABA receptor subtypes while inverse agonizing others, which may provide a nootropic effect without the associated anxiogenic effects of GABA inverse agonism.Template:Medial citation needed
Suritozole—α5 partial inverse agonist
Pantogam has a direct effect on the GABA-B receptor-channel complex.[52]
Glutamate modulators[edit]
See also: AMPAkine
Ligands and modulators of the AMPA receptor, an ionotropic glutamate receptor, are being researched for a myriad of conditions, from Alzheimer's to ADHD. Although there are many AMPAkines being researched, those mentioned here show signs of entering the market in the near future. Other notable drugs with AMPA-modulating activity include aniracetam and tianeptine.
CX-717—pending FDA approval for memory-impairing illnesses and ADHD
IDRA-21—believed to improve memory by significantly enhancing long-term potentiation but used only in animals; incredibly potent
LY-503,430—under development for Parkinson's but showing increase in BDNF, specifically in areas of memory and higher cognitive skills
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate is a secondary messenger that may improve certain aspects of memory if increased. Common research tools for this purpose include PDE4 inhibitors, which prevents cAMP catabolism, and forskolin, a stimulator of adenylate cyclase.
Forskolin—stimulates adenylate cyclase[53]
Propentofylline—nonselective phosphodiesterase inhibitor with some neuroenhancement
Rolipram—PDE4 inhibitor, shows alertness enhancement, long term memory improvement and neuroprotection
Mesembrine—PDE4-inhibitor with possible serotonergic activity
α2A receptors are concentrated heavily in the prefrontal cortex and the locus coeruleus, with the potential to improve attention abilities via modulating post-synaptic α2A receptors in the prefrontal cortex.[54]
Guanfacine is an α2A receptor agonist, FDA approved the treatment of ADHD.[55][56] Guanfacine has been found to strengthen working memory, reduce distractibility, improve response inhibition, increase regional cerebral blood flow, reduce locomotor hyperactivity, and improve attentional control in animal models, as well as enhance memory function in humans.[57] Another study found no effect on healthy male adult's executive functions and working memory, and small decrements on 2 tasks relating to the sedative effect of guanfacine.[58]
PRL-8-53 is a potent hypermnesic drug that significantly increases long term memory with a currently unknown mechanism of action involving cholinergic and dopaminergic activation.[59][60]
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter with various effects on mood and possible effects on neurogenesis. Serotonergics are substances that affect the neurotransmitter serotonin or the components of the nervous system that use serotonin. Serotonergic nootropics include serotonin precursors and cofactors, and serotonin reuptake inhibitors:
Precursors 5-HTP—precursor (intermediate between tryptophan and serotonin)
Tryptophan—essential amino acid precursor; multiple neurotoxic metabolites[61]
Cofactors Pyridoxal-phosphate (or PLP, pyridoxal-5'-phosphate, P5P, active form of Vitamin B6)—plays role in conversion of 5-HTP into serotonin (via the enzyme aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase).[62][63]
Reuptake inhibitors SSRIs—class of antidepressants that increase active serotonin levels by inhibiting reuptake, also shown to promote Neurogenesis in the hippocampus
Sceletium tortuosum—active constituent mesembrine shown to act as an SSRI[64] and PDE4 inhibitor. (Half-life unknown)
Hypericum perforatum—inhibits reuptake of serotonin (as well as Norepinephrine, Dopamine, GABA and Glutamate) via activation of TRPC6
MAO-A inhibitors Resveratrol[65]
Harmal[68] One of the major constituents of harmal, harmaline, has demonstrated acetylcholinesterase inhibition.
Rhodiola rosea[69]
5-HT2A receptor agonists 2C-x—it has been reported that some these compounds causes nootropic, stimulant, or anti-anxiety effects at low doses. 2C-D, 2C-I, and 2C-C are examples. However, at hallucinogenic doses, these chemical compounds may be unpredictable. Research on these chemicals is sparse; they require further investigation.
Other Tianeptine—atypical antidepressant with anxiolytic properties; a hypothesized mechanism of action revolves around modulation of NMDA and AMPA receptors, based on tianeptine's effect of promoting stress-associated impaired neuroplasticity;[70][71] it increases the extracellular concentration of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens[72] and modulates the D2 and D3 dopamine receptors,[73] but this effect is modest and almost certainly indirect.[70]
Metabolic precursors—raise levels[medical citation needed] L-Phenylalanine—purported cognitive improvement[citation needed]
L-Tyrosine (or N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, more bioavailable form)—purported cognitive improvement
L-DOPA (L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine)—precursor to catecholamines (dopamine); neurotoxic effects documented[74][75][76]
Biopterin—a vitamin (coenzyme) that is synthesized in the pineal gland[77] & crucial to the biosynthesis of dopamine
Pyridoxal-phosphate (or PLP, pyridoxal-5'-phosphate, P5P, active form of Vitamin B6)—cofactor for aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase, the enzyme that decarboxylases L-DOPA, producing dopamine.
Reuptake inhibitors—stabilize/improve levels[medical citation needed] Amineptine—mild stimulant
Methylphenidate—stimulant approved for ADHD; potent NDRI and σ1 receptor agonist[78]
Bupropion—atypical antidepressant; weak NDRI[79] and nicotinic antagonist[80]
MAO-B inhibitors—prevent some catabolism of dopamine and β-PEA Selegiline—irreversible; amphetamine metabolites[81]
Rhodiola rosea—Adaptogenic herb; reversible[69]
Dopamine agonists Ropinirole—agonist at D2, D3, and D4 receptors
Pramipexole—agonist at D2, D3, and D4 receptors
Amisulpride —atypical antipsychotic with higher affinity for the presynaptic Dopamine D2 receptor than postsynaptic, facilitating dopaminergic transmission in lower doses.[82]
Others Mucuna pruriens (Velvet Bean)—natural source of L-DOPA
Modafinil—purported dopaminergic activity that exhibits the criteria of a Nootropic
Citicoline (INN) (aka: cytidine diphosphate-choline (CDP-Choline) & cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine)—studies suggest CDP-choline supplements partially prevent the loss of dopamine D2 receptors in aged mice,[83] and that CDP-choline supplementation ameliorates memory impairment caused by environmental conditions (in rats).[84] Preliminary research has found that citicoline may have potential in the treatment of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder.[85][86]
Sleep is known to be important in memory consolidation, mood, anxiety, appetite, and numerous other physiological processes. Drugs that improve sleep may therefore have an indirect nootropic effect.
See also: Theories about the functions of REM sleep
Melatonin—antioxidant.[87][88] Exogenous melatonin protects against substantia nigra cell loss in ovariectomized rats.[89] May normalize circadian rhythms in humans[90]
Agomelatine— MT1 receptor agonist and 5-HT2C neutral antagonist[91]
Anti-depression, adaptogenic (anti-stress), and mood stabilization[edit]
Stress (specifically elevated levels of circulating corticosteroids) has been associated with the cognitive deficits seen in human aging.[92] Many studies show that stress and fatigue negatively impact cognitive functioning in young adults.[93][94] Some level of stress in the learning environment may aid the ability to focus and retain information. However, stress levels, especially high, sustained or traumatic stressors, hinder declarative memory, spatial reasoning, learning, attention and working memory. Fatigue is also a stressor that impedes attention, processing, retrieval, working memory and short term memory.[93] The effects of stress on cognitive performance seem to be controlled by the sympatho-adrenal system and the hypothalamic-hypophysial-adrenal axis.[94]
Depression and depressed mood negatively affect cognitive performance and memory.[95] Depression was found to increase false memory, especially with negative words or subjects.[95]
It is reasoned that counteracting and preventing depression and stress management may be an effective nootropic strategy.[93][94] Proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and mechanisms for coping with stress, such as meditation, have been shown to improve learning and cognitive functioning both in the short and long term.[93][94]
The term adaptogen applies to most herbal anti-stress claims.[citation needed]
The substances below may not have been mentioned earlier on the page:
Beta blockers—evidence from controlled trials spanning 25 years supports the claim that beta-blockers are effective for reducing anxiety, likely through peripheral blockade of beta-receptors; most data comes from studies of generalized anxiety and acute stress.[96]
Theanine—relaxation; found in green tea; increases nicotinic acetylcholine and reduces nicotinic dopamine[citation needed]
Lemon Balm—displays adaptogen properties; in rats it has been shown to possess GABA transaminase inhibitor activity[97] and in homogenates of human cerebral cortical cell membranes possesses activity at acetylcholine receptors.[98] In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 18 healthy volunteers, 600 mg of 'Melissa officinalis' extract attenuated volunteers' response to a laboratory-induced stress test 1 hour after administration; 300 mg significantly improved speed of mathematical processing 1 hour after administration.[99]
Passion Flower—possible MAOI and neurotransmitter reuptake activity[citation needed]
Rhodiola Rosea—adaptogen; possible MAOI activity[100]
St John's Wort—herbal supplement approved (in Europe) to treat mild depression. Method of action is unproven but exhibits effects similar to both MAOIs and SSRIs.[citation needed] There is evidence that it may decrease the effectiveness of methylphenidate treatment.[101]
Ginseng (including Siberian ginseng)—adaptogenic effects shown[citation needed]
Sutherlandia frutescens—possible anti-inflammatory, reducing pain from those illnesses[citation needed]
Kava—anxiolytic herb[citation needed]
Grape seed extract—has shown some efficacy in reducing bodily stress[citation needed]
Adafenoxate—possible anxiolytic effect[citation needed]
Phenibut GABA receptor agonist excerting anxiolytic effects
Picamilon GABA prodrug which excerts anxiolytic effects by releasing GABA and niacin in the CNS.
Valerian—possible anxiolytic effect through agonism at GABA-A receptors[citation needed]
Butea frondosa—possible anxiolytic effect[102]
Gotu Kola—adaptogen and anxiolytic[citation needed]
Foti[disambiguation needed]—adaptogen; possible MAOI activity[citation needed]
Panax ginseng—Multiple randomized, placebo-controlled studies in healthy volunteers have been performed, results include increases in accuracy of memory, speed in performing attention tasks and improvement in performing difficult mental arithmetic tasks, as well as reduction in fatigue and improvement in mood.[103]
Many Chinese herbs such as Polygala tenuifolia, Acorus gramineus and Huperzia serrata.[104]
Bacopa monnieri[105]
Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum, sweet holy basil)[106]
IAP(5-APDI) Lifts mood and promotes a peaceful mindset. Anti-anxiety.
2-methyl-2-butanol Anti-anxiety that lifts mood and increases sociability. Although it doesn't have the side effects or toxic metabolites that ethanol has, frequent use may cause dependence.[citation needed]
Blood flow and metabolic function[edit]
Brain function is dependent on many basic processes such as the usage of ATP, removal of waste, and intake of new materials. Improving blood flow or altering these processes can benefit brain function. The list below contains only vasodilators that have shown at least probable mental enhancement.
Mildronate may improve the ability of learning and memory, as the drug changes the expression of hippocampal proteins related to synaptic plasticity
Blessed Thistle—increases blood circulation, improving memory[citation needed]
Coenzyme q-10—antioxidant; increases oxygen usage by mitochondria
Creatine—protects ATP during transport
Lipoic acid—improves oxygen usage and antioxidant recycling, possibly improving memory
Pyritinol—Drug similar to B vitamin Pyridoxine
Picamilon—GABA activity and blood flow improver
Ginkgo biloba—vasodilator. Acts as an NRI.[107] A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in young healthy females showed an improvement in short-term memory performance 1 hour after administration of a 600 mg dose.[108] An analysis of 29 placebo-controlled RCTs showed that "there is consistent evidence that chronic administration improves selective attention, some executive processes and long-term memory for verbal and non-verbal material."[109] A double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 20 young healthy volunteers showed a dose-dependent improvement in speed-of-attention following administration of 240 mg and 360 mg of Ginkgo extract, effects were measured 2.5h after administration and persisted at least until 6h; various other time- and dose-specific changes (some positive, some negative) in other areas were observed.[110]
Vinpocetine— is reported to have cerebral blood-flow enhancing[111] and neuroprotective effects,[112] and is used as a drug in Eastern Europe for the treatment of cerebrovascular disorders and age-related memory impairment.[113] Also shown to inhibit voltage-sensitive Na+ channels—however, through a similar mechanism to reserpine, Vinpocetine may temporarily deplete the monoamines serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine by inhibiting VMAT, thus preventing them from reaching the synapse.[114] Vinpocetine may therefore induce or exacerbate depressive symptoms as an adverse effect. However, this effect tends to be reversible upon cessation of Vinpocetine administration, with full remission typically occurring within 3–4 weeks. Vinpocetine has been identified as a potent anti-inflammatory agent that might have a potential role in the treatment of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.[115][116]
Vincamine—increases blood circulation (vasodilator) and metabolism in the brain; related to vinpocetine; used in sustained release.
Nicergoline—an ergot derivative used to treat senile dementia and other disorders with vascular origins; it has been found to increase mental agility and enhance clarity and perception; it decreases vascular resistance and increases arterial blood flow in the brain, improving the utilization of oxygen and glucose by brain cells; it has been used for more than three decades for the treatment of cognitive, affective, and behavioral disorders of older people.[117]
Experimental histamine antagonists[edit]
The H3-receptor decreases neurotransmitter release: histamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, serotonin. Thus, H3-receptor-antagonists increases cognition, vigilance, and wakefulness.
Ciproxifan—produces wakefulness and attentiveness in animal studies, and produced cognitive enhancing effects without prominent stimulant effects at relatively low levels of receptor occupancy, and pronounced wakefulness at higher doses.[118]
A-349,821—It has nootropic effects in animal studies.[119]
ABT-239 – strong H3 receptor inverse agonist that is more active than ciproxifan, but its investigation into human use was dropped after it was discovered to cause QT prolongation in subjects
Nerve growth stimulation and brain cell protection[edit]
Nerves are necessary to the foundation of brain communication and their degeneracy, underperformance, or lacking can have disastrous results on brain functions. Antioxidants may prevent oxidative stress and cell death, therefore exerting a neuroprotective effect.
Idebenone—antioxidant[citation needed]
Glutathione—chief antioxidant[citation needed]
Sesamol—antioxidant [120]
Acetylcarnitine (Acetyl-L-Carnitine Arginate or Hydrochloride)[citation needed]
Inositol—implicated in memory function, deficit linked to some psychiatric illnesses—has been shown particularly efficacious in OCD patients
Anticonvulsants—inhibit seizure related brain malfunction if a person has seizures[citation needed]
Phosphatidylserine—possible membrane stabilizer[citation needed]
Lion's Mane Mushroom—Stimulated myelination in an in vitro experiment[121] and stimulated nerve growth factor in an in vitro experiment with human astrocytoma cells.[122] Also improved cognitive ability, in a double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial.[123]
SAM-e (S-Adenosyl methionine)—crucial for cellular regeneration (fuels DNA methylation[124]), also involved with the biosynthesis of dopamine & serotonin[125]
Acetylcysteine (L-cysteine)—precursor to antioxidant glutathione[126]
Uncaria tomentosa (Cat's Claw)—in an in vitro experiment with rats, it inhibited formation of brain beta amyloid deposits,[127] which have been associated with Alzheimer's disease.
(Cannabidiol and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol)—Cannabidiol (nonpsychoactive) and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (psychotropic) antioxidant.[128]
These are hormones that have activity not necessarily attributable to another specific chemical interaction, but have shown effectiveness. Only specific nootropic effects are stated.
Vasopressin—memory hormone that improves both memory encoding and recall. Desmopressin (1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin, DDAVP) was given to 17 children with attention & learning disorders daily for 10 days in a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind study; memory & learning were improved compared with placebo; the same study failed to find similar benefits after administration of a single dose.[129]
Pregnenolone—increases neurogenesis[medical citation needed]
Orexin or Hypocretin—significant wakefulness promoter
DHEA—precursor to estrogen and testosterone
Unknown enhancement[edit]
Other agents purported to have nootropic effects but do not (yet) have attributable mechanisms or clinically significant effects (but may upon refinement of administration) are listed below.
Nootropics with proven or purported benefits:
Polygala tenuifolia (Yuan Zhi)— A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of the extract of dried roots of Polygala tenuifolia in healthy adults produced memory-enhancing effects.[130] A similar trial with elderly humans also found significant cognitive improvement.[131]
Bacopa monniera (Brahmi) — Shown to possess adaptogenic properties and enhance memory and concentration.[132] Folk use in Ayurvedic medicine purports "enhancement of curiosity"; Brahmi rasayana has been shown to improve learning and memory in mice[133]
Clitoria ternatea (Shankhpushpi) — In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, it has been used for centuries as a memory enhancer, nootropic, antistress, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, tranquilizing and sedative agent.
Fipexide—drug for Dementia
Piperic acid—allegedly a mild serotonergic, nootropic, antistress, anxiolytic, and allegedly has mild to moderate memory enhancing effects.
Gerovital H3—famous alleged anti-aging mixture, most effects disproven but some mind enhancement shown
Sulbutiamine—fat soluble vitamin B1 derivative—caused mice to perform better on operant conditioning tests[134] and object recognition tests[135]
Royal Jelly—Increases brain cell growth and diversity, only demonstrated in-vitro, improbable in-vivo (it has been reported to stimulate the growth of glial cells[136] and neural stem cells in the brain.[137])
Curcumin—significant in-vitro activity, but in-vivo activity limited by low bioavailability unless accompanied by ingestion of piperine
Other nootropics[edit]


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