2.5 Assignment 5 - Preferences & Passions

( Due: Sun, 12 Jun | Status: Not Completed )
:: Objective:
To compile personal information, anecdotes and topics of conversation in preparation for professional networking events and meet-and-greets.

:: Readings & Resources:
• Chapter 10: "Winning the Networking Game" in Mind Your Business by Michelle Wallerstein
• Chapter 11: "Socializing" in Mind Your Business by Michelle Wallerstein
• Chapter 21: "How Was My Meeting" in Mind Your Business by Michelle Wallerstein

:: Instructions:
Please follow the detailed 2.5.1 Assignment 5 Instructions in the Assets box to the right.

:: Deliverables:
• Submission: 1 document titled “YourName_Preferences”
• Format: Microsoft Word, Times New Roman 12, single-spaced
• Length: Please refer to the detailed 2.5.1 Assignment 5 Instructions in the Assets box to the right.


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