2.8 Assignment 2: Myers-Briggs Assessment & Write-Up
(Due: Sep 12 Status: Not Completed)
This assignment will familiarize you with the Myers-Briggs personality types, give you the experience of having your personality assessed for you, and aid you in the use of the Myers-Briggs and other psychological typologies and assessments for character development.
1. Take the unofficial Myers-Briggs assessment at:
Be sure to write down your four-letter personality code!
2. If you haven’t already, read the section on MBTI personality types and traits on the Myers-Briggs Foundation website:
Be sure to follow the links for each of the “letters” in the test code – such as “Sensing (S) or Intuition (N),” the link to the “16 type desciptions.”
3. Determine your MBTI type based on the test and compare it to the other types. Consider whether you feel that this is a good impression of who (and “how”) you are, or if you feel that a different code suits you better. If your self-image and MBTI code are wildly different (more than 2 letters differ), consider if you are reporting how you feel or the impression you try to give: you might even want to re-take the test with this in mind.
4. Write a short essay (1000-1250 words) starting with your MBTI type and considering it, letter-by-letter and overall in terms of your identity and behavior. If you felt a different type suited you better, write about it as well, pointing out the differences between the two types.
5. Assign a MBTI type to your protagonist. Feel free to use the Week 1 assignment to help you decide. Write another short essay (again, 1000-1250 words), this one explaining how you chose each letter and the overall type for your protagonist, and how this type is reflected in his or her behavior.